“Movie Review: Gallit Gondhal, Dillit Muzara”
Director: Nagesh Bhosale
Language: Marathi
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Makarand Anaraspure, Sayaji Shinde, Nagesh Bhosale and others
Released: 2009
Another Makarand Anaraspure film which had lot of promise but fail to deliver. There were lot of expectation from this movie as it was based on political scenario in a village of Maharashtra. And at this time when election process is going on India, we hope they could have extracted more of this situation. The movie had brilliant concept, it also had formidable cast like Sayaji Shinde, Nagesh Bhosale and Makarand Anaraspure; but the acting talents of the cast totally wasted due to the weak script and weak direction for that matter.
The movie is about corrupt politicians played by Sayaji shinde and Nagesh Bhosale who are fighting aimlessly and ridiculously. In order to gain control in their constituency, they create unreasonable chaos in their village or lane (Gallit Gondhal). But at the same time easily succumb to the high command in Delhi (Dillit Muzara). But while these two fights a small but smart party worker played by Makarand Anaraspure take advantage of the situation. Not only he extracts money from both of them but eventually goes on to become MLA. And in the end we come to knoe he is no different than the other two guys.
The movie was an attempt to comment on the state of politics going on in India or say rural India. It is full of sarcasm. It shows the cut throat rat race for power between politicians, disinterest in election process by voters, change of loyalty of voters and party workers for money or rather to watch “Lavani” played by a fair skinned foreigner.
The concept of the movie and presence of Makarand Anaraspure demands non-stop humor and good dialogues. The movie failed to deliver that. Only saving grace of movie is Makarand Anaraspure who makes us laugh never the less on some gags but whenever he was not present on the screen movie seem to be sluggish and slow. It is not only due to bad script and dialogues but also because of naïve direction as movie does not seem to flow smoothly from one scene to another.
Movie has only one which is also a title song and good enough. For last few years we can see that Marathi films are improving technically also. But in this movie background score was very harsh to ears. People now prefer Marathi movies over Hindi movies; so producers and directors could not lag on any technical aspects at least. As for actors everyone did their job very well. We are watching Makarand Anaraspure in same sort of role from movie “Kay dyach bola”, althoght he is still enjoyable. He is getting little monotonous in every film. He is busiest and most successful actors in Marathi alongwith Bharat Jadhav. They are the comedy kings of Marathi film industry.
As for the film if I have to rate the movie, I will give it 5 out of 10.